Living Lazarus
Sunday, September 24, 2006
The Lazarus site has an updated version of the RAD available. I only downloaded the Windows version 0.9.18 and installed it today so it's too early to give my impressions of it. There are also versions available to download for Linux and Mac OSX. Get yours today.

I was surprised that I was the first person to download it from the SourceForge site, never had that before. It makes a change to be first in line!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
  The Lazarus Experience
A few years ago I discovered the Free Pascal Compiler.

I had been using Delphi for about 7 years and began experimenting with FPC. Fun.

However, it proved difficult to develop a GUI based application. Then I began to read about this development called Lazarus. It was very rough around the edges but had great promise. The development has reached a stage where users can develop very advanced and complex apps. The great thing is that it is Open Source, freely downloadable and extendable.

This blog is intended to show how you can download and install the RAD and begin to make use of it. I will publish code snippets of various things I have found useful. necessary or just plain desirable!

There are versions available for Windows, Linux, Mac, BSD and others. You can develop on one platform and deploy your App across all of the available platforms.

If you are interested give it a try. You can get it from

What do you need?

WINDOWS : Download the current stable version - Version 0.9.16 - and doubleclick to install. This release includes the FreePascal compiler and sources.

LINUX : Download the FreePascal compiler and sources from the Lazarus site, install these first and then download and install the Lazarus file, again the stable version is 0.9.16. You may receive notices that you are missing dependencies, install the devel-libraries of the missing dependencies and try again.

MAC : The process is similar to that of Linux.

Once it is installed, start Lazarus up and then compile the default App that first appears, if it compiles and runs then congratulations! You are a programmer!

More soon.
One mans exploration into the possibilities of an open source RAD

Location: Dawlish, Devon, United Kingdom
September 2006 / October 2006 / November 2006 / April 2007 / July 2007 / November 2007 / May 2008 / September 2009 / March 2011 / January 2013 /

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